Monday, November 23, 2009

A Thanksgiving Challenge

Who: You
What: A challenge to blog about 'thanks' each day this week.
When: Starting today.
Why: Because Thanksgiving is an important reminder of all we need to take a moment and be reminded of what we have and be thankful for it.
How: In a method of your choice.

Here's the deal ... Each day this week, I'll be blogging about "thanks." It might be something about which I'm thankful. (Grammar is only one thing.) A story about thanks. Something related to the noun. Each post will be published by midnight. Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to do the same on your own respective blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, etc.

Being thankful on Thanksgiving is great. But take a moment to be thankful on other days, too. And let your inspiration flow.

Ready? Set? GO!

ADDENDUM: If you lack the forum for this, I'll gladly accept guest posts.
ADDENDUM Part Deux: Thanks doesn't have to just be words. Maybe you're visual? JPEGS etc. also suffice!


Currer Bell said...
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Currer Bell said...

Your wish is my command!

The Modern Gal said...

Ooo, I like it. I'll do a thankful post too.