Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You should totally do this!

The always fabulous Elizabeth Hartman over at Oh, Fransson is starting a quilt-along. I'm a huge fan of Elizabeth's work and her designs (I also think she and I have the same brain when it comes to fabric) and her instructions are really easy to follow _ especially if you're new to quilting.
I'm not sure if I'm going to play on this project, but I just might. It seems like it should go really quickly. Plus, I've never done a quilt along.
For those of you (and you know who you are, ahem ahem) who've been all: "Oh Noodles! I'd LOVE to do that. I just don't know how..." this would be the PERFECT project for you.
Here's her link where she introduces the project. And you can find week one instructions, which cover basic materials, here. And you can check others' progress on the Flickr group.
So, sing up!

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