Monday, March 23, 2009

Home and back again.

Photographic highlights from a weekend trip to Maryland and DC for the madre's birthday.

We spent a lot of time doing this:

We went over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, my favoritest bridge ever.

We went to D.C. for the day. I used to hang here.

Check it out! My high school was on the tippy-top floor here! Right by those square windows by the balcony.

I had to take this picture of the Court of Neptune fountain in front of the Library of Congress. Mainly because I thought it looked dirty from this angle. I know. I'm mature.

This bird made me smile and made me happy that spring is coming. The flowers were beginning to bloom in D.C., even though it's still a couple of weeks away here in Chicago.

Then we walked to the Newseum. I used to go to the old facility in Rosslyn practically once a month. But this was my first trip to the bad-ass new place. Of course, I also dug the gift shop. I'm a sucker for anything in typewriter typeface.

And check it out, the gift shop stocked my friend Jackie's book! You should buy it. It's good. And she's lovely.

And then, I loved this t-shirt. Almost as much as I love beer.

1 comment:

The Modern Gal said...

I didn't realize the high school was in the Library of Congress. That's so cool.