Monday, December 28, 2009

In which I sparkle.

Way back yonder, I wrote about Christine Kane's word of the year project to pick a word that establishes your intention for the year. It's a word that guides you through the year and shapes your intention. Think of it is as the better-than-a-resolution New Year's activity.

Anyhoodles, I was struggling to come up with one of my own. I'd been tossing over a few ones: moderation, simplify, release, focus. All seemed to fit. And none seemed to fit. Meanwhile, I'd been yapping away to anyone who would listen about how cool this idea is. At two other friends thought they'd get on board. They picked words right away. And still, I was having trouble.

Fast-forward to this evening. I'm unpacking from a fabulous Christmas trip to see the fam in Maryland and I come across these super-cute pencils I won on Sweet Jessie's giveaway. One, which happens to be in Jessie's picture, says to "sparkle and shine." And it was like, BAM. My word. There it was.

In 2010 ...

I feel like sparkle just ... fits. Everywhere. It encompasses so many of the areas of my life I'd like to improve. It's a reminder of how to behave. What kind of result I should seek from my actions. How to treat others. And how to be.

I sort of love my word. And as a reminder, I took my Scrabble pieces and put them on my bookshelf so I have a daily reminder. So, thanks Jessie. And Christine. And everyone else. Here's to a 2010 that truly sparkles.

Have you picked a word yet? It's not too late. (Well, really, it's never too late! Get on board!)


Whitney said...

Love it! I'm going to pick a word too. I'm currently thinking "return" would be good, but I'm going to sit on it for my long drive tomorrow.

The Modern Gal said...

Just as long as this isn't a Twilight reference :)

My word is going to be kindness. I shall post about that soon.

Anonymous said...

It's a fantastic word, but I think you already sparkle.


Ms. H said...

Well hello, my sister from another mother!

Sparkle? LOVE IT!!! And the picture is FANtabluous!!

I've been pondering this since you posted about it a while back...I'm thinking my word might be "choose". There's about a gajillion reasons I need to remember to choose. Hmm. Maybe I should write a blog post about that. That would get my family off my case about my blog-hiatus. Maybe.

Wow. I sure would like to have a spiffy black & white picture of "choose" made out of Scrabble pieces. (Subtle, huh?)